Monday, March 29, 2010

Hair loss- 22 yr-old woman- PLEASE Help~!?

My parents have lush thick black hair, and I did too up until a month ago. Everyone is telling me it's from stress but I'm not under a significant amount of stress. I noticed it when I was pulling my hair back in a pony tail and the thickness was almost half of what it typically is. I'm starting to get very concerned and obsessing over it. I don't have health insurance, so I can't see a dermatologist or hair specialist, but my school has a health center that I plan on going to. Any suggestions/ideas? Serious answers only please. I appreciate it!!Hair loss- 22 yr-old woman- PLEASE Help~!?
Please answer my questions and I can give you a good responce as I have done a lot of reading up on this since it happened to my sister.

Do you have regular periods? If yes are they of normal flow? If no then how often on average per year?

How is your diet?

How do your nails look? Is your skin in great condition?

Are you using the same shampoo/conditioner as normal? Have you changed recently?

Many factors can determine this problem. I myself have noticed my hair has been thinning a lot and it used to be so long and thick. I have an overactive thyroid which is an extremely common problem for women of our age-group and usually results in hair becoming brittle/less full of life. Medication sorts that out no problem.

Answer my questions and I will go on from there.

One last thing - you might be due a hair cut, as once I let my hair get so long it became unhealthy xHair loss- 22 yr-old woman- PLEASE Help~!?
You can fix this by trying out natural methods. Go to this webpage:鈥?/a>
hair loss due to genes happens and theres not much you can do for that except like rogain type products to slow the loss. but there is a condition called Alopecia. here is the medical def for stress alopecia..Stress alopecia, a type of telogen effluvium, is temporary, reversible, diffuse hair loss on the scalp that results from severe emotional or physiological stress. Normally, about 90% of scalp hair follicles are in the growing anagen phase, and about 10% to 15% are in the resting catagen and telogen phases. Stress causes anagen hairs to convert prematurely into telogen hairs, which means that more than the normal number of hairs are in the telogen phase and ready to shed. the best thing is to see a doc for it but since you don't have insurance you need to research online to see if there are ';home remidies'; you can try. i don't know any off the top of my head. take care
Alepicia is actually a common problem - basically your immune system is attacking hair follicles. If anything it is probably that. Do you notice any balding spots or thinning roots. If not, your ends are probably just breaking off. Do a hair-pull test on yourself - pinch some hair at your roots and gently pull - not hard enough to pull them out - just enough. If some hairs come out anyway, it's probably alepicia. If you are noticing balding spots, here's what you can do.

Pure' a bunch of tomatoes and smear it on your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it for an hour.

Rumor has it that if you crush up birth control pills (free and planned parenthood) and put them in your shampoo, the hormones help with hair growth.

Change your shampoo and conditioner to a vitamin and moisture-rich brand and apply conditioner to your entire scalp - not just the ends.

When it comes down to it, you will need to see a dermatologist. I will also say that hair loss due to stress is probable. Most of these cases don't even know they are stressed out - and some turn out to have PTSD - hair loss is relatively common symptom of that. I just thought I would throw that out there just as an FYI.
Honestly, the only serious response to something like that is to send you to your doctor... I wish you well.

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