Monday, March 29, 2010

The best and affordable hair loss treatment you know for woman?

female, mother of 2 children (my hair starting falling out from the root after my second pregnancy which I don't know if there is a connection),age early 30s, student and medical history poor blood circulationThe best and affordable hair loss treatment you know for woman?
scrub your sculp with fresh garlic.. i heard its effective but never dared to try.The best and affordable hair loss treatment you know for woman?
This was recommended to me by my family physician and helped! Iron capsules for 14 days and then multivitamin with a high level of iron daily.

But check with your physician first!

Good luck!
Try Hair loss remedies at
It really depends on why your hair has began falling out....

The hair grows in 3 phases (every individual hair goes through each of 3 phases in it's life time)...

I wont bore you with the scientific names and I'll talk about just 2 phases here for simplicity's sake, but it's difficult for me to advise you without explaining all this, so in layman's terms...

1st phase - Growing.

Depending on the individual, around 80%26amp; of the hairs on your head are in this phase. Each hair is connected to it's own little blood supply/nerves etc at the root, which feeds the hair and enables it to grow - the hairs that hurt when you pull them out are in this phase. It can last for between 2 %26amp; 11 yrs before the hair automatically goes into the next phase.

2nd phase -Rest

this is when the follicle (the tiny tube that the hair grows in) rests. Recent scientific research shows that the follicle actually moves away from the hair root and 'puts its feet up' for a bit. The hairs which you see in your brush/plughole, are the ones that were in this phase - after sitting in the follicle unattatched to blood supply or nerves, when brushed just falls away. (thats why it's normal to loose up to 100 hairs every day)

So how does that apply to you?

Well it's when something goes wrong - either with the blood supply to the hair itself or with the phases that you loose hair.

If the hair is unable to get sufficient nourishment for some reason than the hair will not grow correctly -thin wispy weak hair, or will not grow at all - seen as hair 'loss'.

This can have many causes..

1) poor diet - not enough nourishment in the blood

2) poor blood circulation due to a general problem with cirulation, or a tight scalp which constricts blood flow to the hair root.

3)physical or emotional stress which causes the body to redirect bloodflow to more vital tasks.

If the 3 phases of growth are knocked out of kilter (remember approx 80% of the hairs on yr head should be in phase one) then too many hairs will be sent to phase 3 too quickly and at the same time - therefore lots of your hairs fall out before they should giving rise to patches of baldness or more general thinning. This can be caused by :-

1)hormonal factors

2)shock/stress - again quite likely due to pregnancy/new family

(A perfect example of this form of hair loss is Chemotherapy where the poison sends all the hairs on your head into 3rd phase and thus they fall out- when the chemo stops the phases right themselves again eventually and so the hair grows back.)

3)some sort of more serious health problem - I don't mean to frighten you but hair loss can occasionally be a sign of an underlying issue which may require attention so if you have any other unexplained symptoms visit your GP.

It's difficult to establish which of these is at the heart of the problem, or whether its a bit of eveything. It's perfectly possible that the birth of you child effected your hormones, and created a physical shock/extra stress which could easily have sent the cycle of growth out of balance and that this hasn't righted itself, when you add to that the pressures of motherhood and studying ond the effect that has on your diet, your stress levels and your general health. Problems with our hair and skin can be the body's early warning system so please do pay attention to your diet and lifestyle if possible, also obviously as I don't know you this may not be relevant but i feel I ought to mention that postnatal and other forms of depression can cause hair loss (especially when undiagnosed or untreated).

Medication can have hairloss as a side effect so check that out as well if you're taking any.

My advice would be multi pronged

1)visit your GP -it may be a hormonal thing -(incidentaly if he/she looks at you like ';fancy coming to the doctors with hairloss'; then see someone else!) You can also mention any other symptoms or issues which may unbeknownst to you, be related.

2)Get yourself some neck and scalp massage to improve blood circulation, either professionally or just do it yourself with some nice oil, or even dry rubbing when ever you think about it during the day is better than nothing. (the scalp should move seperately and freely over the skull if it doesn't then this suggests it's tight and wont be helping the blood supply (and can give you headaches!)

3)try to reduce stress levels and or learn some form of relaxation technique if you don't already .

3)go to your local health food shop and get a good quality vitamin mineral supplement they should be able to advise you, but do make sue you tell them of any medication/health problems you have because of interaction.

And pay attention to your diet.

4)choice of shampoo....

shampoos etc from the chemist/supermarket are only able to make the hair which is left thicker by adding stuff to it etc, so while it may be helpful to use products for thin/thinning hair from a purely cosmetic point of view, they wont deal with the underlying problem.

However the NIOXIN system mentioned by someone else is excellent and well worth it as it deals with all of the causes except underlying illness, hormanal factors and stress - but only if you use it properly. I have used it professionally and my clients got very good results but only when they used it as advised (it's no good if you only use half the system or not regularly enough) I'm not in salon anymore as I left to teach instead but I'm sure if you if you google it I'm sure you'll find a stockist/online retailer. (if you do try it don't use any oil to massage with or ANY other product on your hair/scalp as it can create a barrier to the nioxin)

If none of that works then I would definately ask for a referall to a dermatologist, or even better see a tricologist although I doubt you'd get that on the NHS.

hope some of that helps sorry it's so long winded but I wanted to give you the same answer I would give a client.
there is a connection most women suffer hair loss when pregnant or just after not much you can do if hair is coming out at the root then it may not grow back does depend on blood supply to the head but not creams or medicine sorry you can go to your doctors to see if it is stress related though but good diet does go along way and if the hair is not falling from the root then dont worry it will grow back could be hormones from pregnancy hope i have helped alittle
I got that problem twice before and now have it again. Go to your GP who might possibly refer you to a dermatologist because you could have a thing called allepecia (I think thats how you spell it...) which is what I have. Every day I use a steroid gel on my hair which stimulates hair growth, after my dermatologist at the hospital told me to use it and although it hasn't worked yet there are so many options (tablets, injections, creams etc) that can be taken for this problem that theres no need to worry and its not usually serious.
Hi it would seem that the answer is in your medical condition

however that does not stop you have lovely hair, regular trims for the split ends, and micro trims, the pregnancy will certainly have effected the condition of your hair, invest in a really good conditioner and treat it and yourself, hope things improve for you real soon, then treat yourself to a salon visit

beware of any dyes as your hair maybe porous as well

also no excessive heat in blow drying and straighteners

best wishes
I had a similar problem a couple years ago attributed to poor nutrition. I tried Nioxin and really saw a difference. You can check their products out at if you want more information. You really only need the cleanser, scalp therapy (conditioner), and the scalp treatment. And you should probably keep the routine up for 2 months. I know Ulta usually has some deals on it. Also, it could be from stress and even vitamin deficiency. Definitely make sure you are eating enough foods and taking a multi-vitamin. Good luck!

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